
Fav Photos Found In 2013: 50 Photos By 50 Photographers

In keeping with tradition, I present you with my year-end photo post! But first, part of the tradition is to also share a little bit about the growth of the site in the last year.

It’s only been 3 months since @Booooooom launched on Instagram, and there are already close to 14,000 of you following along! I owe a big thank you to the guest posters that have taken over the account each week – thank you, thank you, thank you. Our Twitter and Facebook now have a combined following of over 200,000, which is incredible, but the craziest growth has been on Google+. It’s hard to fathom that a year ago we had 300 followers on there, and today there are over 1.9 million. Kinda wild!

A little update on our first-ever Booooooom Book, it’s in its final stages, and will be finished really soon. I’m not used to working on a project for so long but it’s been a great experience working with Chronicle Books. It’s gonna be amazing to finally share it with you all.

I looked back at the goals I mentioned in my previous year-end post and one of them was to have a physical space for Booooooom. Well, I’m excited to say I finally have a space, and I’ll share more about it soon.

There’s a small part of me that feels extremely satisfied with the incredible growth the site has experienced this year. The other part of me though, the part that makes up most of me, is completely unsatisfied. I was too safe this year, my dreams were all entirely possible. I didn’t realise it until now, so I’m dreaming super naive impossible dreams for 2014. These past five years, all of it, it’s all still the beginning. It would be really dumb to be satisfied with the beginning.

Here are 50 photos by 50 photographers (technically 52 photographers, two images are collaborations). Not every image here was produced this year, I just came across them all in the last 12 months. Enjoy.


50 photos by 50 photographers

(found in 2013)


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