
The Dramatically Redesigned Mac Pro

A shiny black cylinder: The New Apple Mac Pro
Apple just announced a bold re-design of the Mac Pro and it feels really gimmicky. To me, this looks less like an Apple product and more like Darth Vader’s wine chiller. I’m having a flashback to when Sony released that egg shaped music player. Did anyone buy that thing?

You can jump over here to read all the tech specs but I’d love to hear what you guys think of this purely from a visual standpoint.

I slapped together the image above in Photoshop in 2 seconds, take a look at the real photos below! You be the judge!

A shiny black cylinder: The New Apple Mac Pro

A shiny black cylinder: The New Apple Mac Pro

A shiny black cylinder: The New Apple Mac Pro

A shiny black cylinder: The New Apple Mac Pro

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