
Pictoplasma / Giveaway

Pictoplasma NOT A TOY fashioning radical characters book
A few months ago Pictoplasma released “NOT A TOY”, an exquisite book that I look at all the time for inspiration. It documents the influence of character design in contemporary art and fashion. I asked them if I could give away a copy and they kindly obliged! So who wants it?

Pictoplasma NOT A TOY fashioning radical characters book

Pictoplasma NOT A TOY fashioning radical characters book

Pictoplasma NOT A TOY fashioning radical characters book

Pictoplasma NOT A TOY fashioning radical characters book

Pictoplasma NOT A TOY fashioning radical characters book

Pictoplasma NOT A TOY fashioning radical characters book

Pictoplasma NOT A TOY fashioning radical characters book

Pictoplasma NOT A TOY fashioning radical characters book

Pictoplasma NOT A TOY fashioning radical characters book

Pictoplasma NOT A TOY fashioning radical characters book

Pictoplasma NOT A TOY fashioning radical characters book

Pictoplasma NOT A TOY fashioning radical characters book

Pictoplasma NOT A TOY fashioning radical characters book

Pictoplasma NOT A TOY fashioning radical characters book

Pictoplasma NOT A TOY fashioning radical characters book


If you’d like to snag a copy of “NOT A TOY” let me know what character you were most influenced by as a kid, in the comments below (it could be from a cartoon, comic book, movie, anything).

We’ll pick a winner next Friday! This is open to everyone!

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