
Monja Gentschow / Giveaway

Artist Monja Gentschow recently created a beautiful set of playing cards and I have two decks to giveaway! So who wants ’em?

Playing cards by Monja Gentschow giveaway

Playing cards by Monja Gentschow giveaway

Playing cards by Monja Gentschow giveaway

Playing cards by Monja Gentschow giveaway

Playing cards by Monja Gentschow giveaway

Playing cards by Monja Gentschow giveaway

The cards are a collaboration with Ignant and can be purchased here.

If you would like to snag one of the decks, let me know your all-time favourite card game in the comments below! If its obscure maybe you could explain how to play it, so I can learn.

I’ll pick two winners on Friday!

This giveaway is open to everyone!

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