
Efterklang / Giveaway

Back in February we had Booooooom’s first ever film screening (here) and the film I chose was “An Island”, a marvelous collaboration between Efterklang and Vincent Moon. Well my buddy Rasmus, from the band, has graciously given me a beautiful DVD package to give away to one of you!

So who wants it?

Efterklang An Island DVD Vincent Moon Giveaway

Efterklang An Island DVD Vincent Moon Giveaway

Efterklang An Island DVD Vincent Moon Giveaway

Efterklang An Island DVD Vincent Moon Giveaway


a film by Vincent Moon & Efterklang.
Available now in Deluxe DVD Edition limited to 5000 numbered copies.

Only available at


Comes with a new Efterklang Bonus EP and instant download of the film!

If you would like to snag this copy of the film, watch the video clip above and describe the way it makes you feel in one sentence.

I’ll pick a winner next Tuesday!

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