
Remake Submissions / Part IV

ovid by rodin

“The Metamorphoses of Ovid” remake by John Naccarato

ovid by rodin

“The Metamorphoses of Ovid” by Aguste Rodin

lennon and yoko

“Lennon and Yoko” and “Creation of Adam” remake by Carson Nevada

lennon and yoko

“Lennon and Yoko” by Annie Leibovitz

umbrellas by christo

“Umbrellas” remake by Tate Foley

umbrellas by christo

“Umbrellas” by Christo

goya filiation

“The Filiation” remake by Olivia Callender

goya filiation

“The Filiation” by Goya

Portrait of Battista Sforza

“Portrait of Battista Sforza” remake by Erica Nelson

Portrait of Battista Sforza

“Portrait of Battista Sforza” by Piero della Francesca

banksy home sweet home

“Home Sweet Home” remake by Elizabeth Sarah

banksy home sweet home

“Home Sweet Home” by Banksy

Bicycle Wheel - Marcel Duchamp

“Bicycle Wheel” remake by Thomas Albdorf

Bicycle Wheel - Marcel Duchamp

“Bicycle Wheel” by Marcel Duchamp

Arrangement in Grey and Black: The Artist's Mother

“The Artist’s Mother” remake by Roxana Azar

Arrangement in Grey and Black: The Artist's Mother

“The Artist’s Mother” by James Abbott McNeill Whistler


“American Gothic” remake by Carmen de Reyna


“American Gothic” remake by Julie Boddorff


“American Gothic” remake by Allison Cleveland


“American Gothic” remake by David Duo


“American Gothic” remake by Glenna McMullin

american gothic

“American Gothic” remake by Megan Mitchell

american gothic

“The Rosenbergs as American Gothic” remake by Carson Nevada

american gothic

“American Gothic” remake by Jesse John Hunniford

american gothic

“American Gothic” by Grant Wood

van gogh sunflowers

“Vase with 12 Sunflowers” remake by Qi Wei Fong

van gogh sunflowers

“Vase with 12 Sunflowers” by Vincent van Gogh

une pipe

“The Treachery of Images” remake by Cine Maza

une pipe

“The Treachery of Images” remake by Sophia

une pipe

“The Treachery of Images” by René Magritte

creation of adam

“Creation of Adam” remake by Spencer Pidgeon


“Creation of Adam” remake by Estefano Pilonieta


“Creation of Adam” remake by Ward Swan

creation of adam

“Creation of Adam” by Michelangelo


“Therese Revant” remake by Chloe Van Overmeir


“Therese Revant” by Balthus

dora maar

“Dora Maar Seated” remake by Lujian Zeta Zee

dora maar

“Dora Maar Seated” by Picasso

francis bacon

“Study for Portrait” remake by Tanya Houghton

francis bacon

“Study for Portrait” by Francis Bacon

van gogh cafe

“Café Terrace at Night” remake by Jonathan Pruc

van gogh cafe

“Café Terrace at Night” by Van Gogh


“The Incredulity of Saint Thomas” remake by Stella Vula

caravaggio 3

“The Incredulity of Saint Thomas” remake by Cope Amezcua


“The Incredulity of Saint Thomas” by Caravaggio


“Untitled” remake by Randy Morales


“Untitled” by Diane Arbus

liz flores

“Son Of Man” remake by Liz Flores

son of man

“Son Of Man” remake by Hadas Boneh

son of man

“Son Of Man” remake by James Corbe

son of man

“Son Of Man” remake by Juan de Ezcurra

son of man

“Son Of Man” remake by Dann Ramirez

son of man

“Son Of Man” by Magritte


“The Scream” remake by Bradley Nash Burgess


“The Scream” remake by Petra Handin


“The Scream” remake by Adam Robinson


“The Scream” by Edvard Munch



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