It is a little overwhelming for me to look at how much this place has grown in the last 12 months. Our monthly traffic now tops 3.2 million pageviews with visitors coming from more than 200 different countries. More than 27,000 of you follow Booooooom on Twitter, and our Facebook family has grown to nearly 42,000!
So I want to thank all of you! It was your support for the site that allowed me to bring our Small Victories show to Hong Kong and then follow it up with another show here in Vancouver! It was also your incredible submissions to our Little Drifters project that spread all over the internet like dandelion seeds, inspiring people as far away as Armenia to launch similar projects. The kind of community we have here is rare, I don’t see it on any other site. Thanks for spending so much time around here, commenting on articles, getting involved in projects, sharing links on Twitter, and interacting with each other on Facebook! I feel really blessed to call this a job.
This next year I’ll be doing my best to continue cultivating a community of creative people (and aliteration). I will continue hunting and gathering art but I also have a few things planned that are bigger than anything I’ve attempted so far. So I’m a little anxious. It’s good to be anxious I think! I hope my successes this year outnumber my failures, but if I don’t fail a bunch in 2011 it will mean I didn’t try hard enough.
Last year I posted 64 photos by 64 photographers.
This year I’ve collected 75 photos by 75 photographers that I came across in 2010. These photos weren’t necessarily produced this year, I simply encountered them for the first time in the last 12 months.
I’m gonna take a week off and spend Christmas holidays with my family. I’ll be back at it first week of January!
Happy New Year you guys! Enjoy the photos!
75 photos by 75 photographers
(found in 2010)
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