
13 Art and Photo Blogs to Bookmark!

Just for fun I have put together a list of 13 creative blogs focused on art and/or photography. I check these websites regularly, you might want to bookmark them. In no particular order they are:

13 creative art photo blogs to bookmark unless you are dumb booooooom

1. Piet Mondriaan – A contemporary art blog brilliantly curated by Simon Kentgens and Michiel Huijben.

13 creative art photo blogs to bookmark unless you are dumb booooooom

2. Acidolatte – Always lots of weird sculptural work on this art blog, nice big images too.

13 creative art photo blogs to bookmark unless you are dumb booooooom

3. Many – A superb photo blog, created by Jake Dow-Smith, and curated by a whole gang of talented photographers.

13 creative art photo blogs to bookmark unless you are dumb booooooom

4. VVORK – A contemporary art blog, curated by Aleksandra Domanovic, Christoph Priglinger, Georg Schnitzer, and Oliver Laric.

13 creative art photo blogs to bookmark unless you are dumb booooooom

5. Too Much Chocolate – Photographers interviewing other photographers, a great project by Jake Stangel.

13 creative art photo blogs to bookmark unless you are dumb booooooom

6. I Like This Blog – An art and photo blog with a lot of content I don’t see other places, curated by Paul Paper and friends.

13 creative art photo blogs to bookmark unless you are dumb booooooom

7. FFFFlickr – This isn’t a blog at all, so it shouldn’t really be on this list but I do what I want around here.

13 creative art photo blogs to bookmark unless you are dumb booooooom

8. Arcademi – I only recently found this blog, there’s a little bit of everything on here.

13 creative art photo blogs to bookmark unless you are dumb booooooom

9. Manystuff – One of very few design blogs I check. I feel like it’s on the art tip of the design world if that means anything.

13 creative art photo blogs to bookmark unless you are dumb booooooom

10. Two For The Road – A project created by James Turnley. Unrelated photos placed side by side create new readings.

13 creative art photo blogs to bookmark unless you are dumb booooooom

11. HUH – A free arts & culture newspaper based out of London, and a daily blog with lots of good content.

13 creative art photo blogs to bookmark unless you are dumb booooooom

12. La Pura Vida – One of my favourite online photo galleries, created by Bryan Formhals and edited by James Turnley.

13 creative art photo blogs to bookmark unless you are dumb booooooom

13. Future Shipwreck – Graham Kolbeins and I connected on the Where The Wild Things Are fort-building project awhile back. His site is awesome, you will spend a long time there.

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