
Marcel Dzama

marcel dzama painter painting artist spike guero beck goya spike jonze


Let’s see how many Canadians I can post in a row (I forgot to mention Jessica Fortner is from Toronto). Below are paintings by Marcel Dzama, who is originally from Winnipeg and now lives in New York.

My first exposure to Dzama’s work was the album art for Beck’s Guero (love that album! Farewell Ride anyone?) and I immediately found something mesmerizing about his imagery — really unsettling — like seeing a Goya painting for the first time.


marcel dzama painter painting artist spike guero beck goya spike jonze



marcel dzama painter painting artist spike guero beck goya spike jonze



marcel dzama painter painting artist spike guero beck goya spike jonze



marcel dzama painter painting artist spike guero beck goya spike jonze



marcel dzama painter painting artist spike guero beck goya spike jonze

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