
Wild Things! Forts! Winners!

After much deliberation with the guys at Weloveyouso we have finally picked the winners of our Wild Things’ Forts contest!

eric rice wild things fort winner

Grand Prize Winner: Congratulations to Eric Rice, you have won the “Where The Wild Things Are” Xbox and a bus shelter-size poster! Your fort was just ridiculous! It had a freakin’ third floor!!!
“I spent the long weekend building my fort out old pallets and other discarded materials. I didn’t use any nails or screws to build the actual fort, it’s lashed together with hundreds of feet of string, and is surprisingly sturdy, even on the third floor. I had an awesome time building it, and hope you guys do some more contests in the future.” – Eric
See more winners below!

dianne que wild things fort winner

Second Prize Winner: Congratulations to Dianne Que, you have won a “Where The Wild Things Are” Prize pack!
“I’ve been drowning in adulthood lately and building this fort was such an awesome opportunity to be a kid again. i filled my cozy cloud cavern with some of my favorite doodads – yarn balls, cushions, kids books, and a star-lantern i built entirely from recycled bottlecaps.” – Dianne
ausia lauts wild things forts winner

Honorable Mention: Congratulations to Ausia Lauts, you have also won a “Where The Wild Things Are” Prize pack! It’s hard to tell from the photo but Ausia actually went out and snapped polaroids of strangers holding up lines from the book!
“It was soooooooooo much fun to make, paper chains and cranes, hanging my favorite pictures, stacking the best books and movies. I even documented Maurice Sendak’s masterpiece on a board in the form of strangers holding lines of the book under their chins while I took a Polaroid picture of them and their smiling or not so smiling faces.” – Ausia

The Cutest Kids Award: Congratulations to Georgie Grieve (age 3), Nico Brouwer (age 4), Audrey Perkins (age 4), and Jacob Salomon (age 3), you have won a “Where The Wild Things Are” Kids Prize Pack!

Thank you to everyone who participated in this project! I can’t believe the response, you only had a week?!

If you’d like to view all the entries:

Some more: Wild Things’ Forts VIII

And more: Wild Things’ Forts VII

And more: Wild Things’ Forts VI

And more: Wild Things’ Forts V

And more: Wild Things’ Forts IV

And more: Wild Things’ Forts III

And more: Wild Things’ Forts II

And more: Wild Things’ Forts I

Stay tuned for the next project, now go see the movie!!!

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