Tickets for Pecha Kucha Vancouver (May 21 – 7pm) are now available online!!! I will be speaking there along with eleven other people including designer Marian Bantjes! I listened to her speak at Justified West and I could feel previously unused parts of my brain coming alive. You do not want to miss this! Tickets are only $10 and they will sell out. Get them here.
If you don’t already know about Pecha Kucha, each speaker shows 20 slides for 20 seconds, and there is no pausing or reviewing of slides. So if someone is boring they are only boring for 400 seconds. Show up early and you get free booze. Feel free to bring tomatoes to throw at me – I was hoping I could go first and get it over with but it appears I am last so the pressure is on!
Bigger version of the flyer here.